How would i move a GUI like this

so basically I want the gui to move under the background frame kinda like in this video like when it slides.

how can I achieve that here

like when it slides it goes under the background instead of moving off screen, thanks.


Use tweens, to tween the guis transparency and make this type of smooth motion. This should be in #help-and-feedback.

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My bad, i’ll move it. Can you maybe link a reference video or something?


Hope this helps!

Cool, I’ll give it a shot. Hopefully it does.

I skimmed over the video, I can’t find where it references something like what I want above. Is there a specific time I missed?

If you want it to “move under the background frame” (I think you mean disappear when not on the frame? correct me if i’m wrong) you want to turn on ClipsDescendants


Sorry for that lazy answer of mine, I will try to better myself now.

Basically what you want to do to achieve this fading effect is to turn on ClipsDescendants in your GUI (all credit goes to @EffBeeCee for that idea) and then make a tween that gradually raises the transparency of the object, while it is still moving out of the frame.

Halfway through, it should then be fully transparent by that time, like shown in the video (if the timing doesn’t line up, tweak around a bit with the tween Info time until it looks as intended)!

whats the font used on the gui of the video?

I’m pretty sure that GothamSSm is being used for the most part, correct me if I’m wrong.

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