How would I orientate the top of my model to face another model?

I have a stick that I want to orientate based on the tip of the stick. I set my pivot to the top of the stick, but it doesn’t seem to effect anything. This is the code I’m currently using.

	local clone = tool:Clone()
	clone:PivotTo(CFrame.lookAt(Start, End))
	clone.Parent = workspace

That’s what is happening

Here is what I want to happen. I have an event marker in my animation, and when I spawn the clone in and set the clone’s CFrame to the tool’s CFrame at the event marker it doesn’t look at the part. When I do CFrame.lookat, it doesn’t keep the original tool’s CFrame. I can’t seem to combine both.

rotate the part after u cloned it

I am so sorry, I this was the wrong post