How would I parent objects (like lights) to a raycast instance?

so i wanted to add a constantly changing point light to the projectile part, like the square thing. i don’t know if i would need to preload it or make the color random but it just won’t parent to the light source. i also want to know some tips to do this in a modular way.

also, how would i also add it to the debris function? so it’s also on the tween that sort of fades out when shooting?

local function shootFunction(begin, direction)
	local center = begin + direction / 2
	local distance = direction.Magnitude
	local random =
	local projectile ="Part")
	projectile.Parent = folder
	projectile.Anchored = true
	projectile.CastShadow = false
	projectile.CanCollide = false
	projectile.CanQuery = false
	projectile.Massless = true
	projectile.Material = Enum.Material.Neon
	projectile.Color = rainbow
	projectile.CFrame =, begin)
	projectile.Size =, .2, distance)
	local light ="PointLight") --this is the code problem
	light.Color = rainbow
	light.Range = 100
	light.Brightness = 10
	light.Parent = projectile
--	light.Parent = this line isn't used but it creates a cool lightshow effect
	local fade = tween:Create(projectile,, {Transparency = 1}):Play()
	debris:AddItem(projectile, .1)

also i can confirm it works when i parent it an existing part so there’s that
however when using this modified code, it will select the random rainbow color and stick with it without always color changing. it’s a randomized bug basically

in this case it’s purple and butchers my cpu

it’s this that i’m trying to recreate

you cant? a raycast instance is just a list of data after you send it. It has to be an actual part inorder to be functional. Use Tween service to move the light accordingly to the raycast!

it can though? if you port this gear into a studio project and use it the light appears right in the middle which i need.
i have no clue how to change the beam into a real part for a more accurate hitbox but you know