How would I pause/stop a player's function or script?

I am trying to make a stun effect that would also pause/stop/cancel a player’s attack. I have looked through articles and I have tried using coroutine.yield or something but I can’t do it from the outside. I also don’t know how to pause or stop a function or something.

Example of what I want: For example, a player uses a stunning move that freezes the other player for a second (I can stop movement obviously) but, the other player is still able to attack which is what I don’t want. Like, you know how in Black Magic 2 where you attack someone and their attack is canceled and stopped in mid time? That is what I want to achieve. All players use keybinds through local scripts, which fires to a remote event to server side. How would I pause the other player’s script or cancel it so their attack just stops and cancels? Please I need help and I am confused. This is the server side scripts and I am trying to cancel it in mid-time

Also, this is on server side, so disabling the script will disable all player’s attacks.



-- attack stuff

local debounce = false

local enemyhumanoid = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
if debounce == false and enemyhumanoid and enemyhumanoid.Health > 0 then
debounce = true

enemyhumanoid.WalkSpeed = 0 -- i have other ways to stop the player from moving this is just an example
enemyhumanoid.JumpPower = 0-- i have other ways to stop the player from moving this is just an example

-- enemy attack stop?



some ways I thought of was putting a variable to see if the player was stunned or not, then it would skip over the attack. But, the problem is I would need like 100 if statements in this function.

I need help, please help, and you can alter/change/suggest what to change to the script or an efficient way but I want it to be able to stop a player’s attack in mid time.


You can insert a boolean value into the player’s character through That will be named CanAttack

CanAttack = Instance.New("BooleanValue", character)

Now, you can put inside the character script, that if only canattack is true, the player can attack using an if statement.

if Character.CanAttack.Value == true then
    -- Attack

Then after the other player gets stuneed, you get other players Canattack and then set its value to false.

if debounce == false and enemyhumanoid and > 0 then
    CanAttack.Value = false
    -- and other stuff

And after he is unstunned, you can again set that value to true.

yeah but how do you stop them from attacking if they were already attacking? I would have to put if statements on each attack part, so what you said is the problem i described, too many if statements and it would be over EVERY single line. If the player was already attacking, this would not do anything.

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Try this:-
Put this inside the functon which attacks.

    return return --not sure if this will work but do try

Sorry for the late replies. Im busy(Kinda)

whats GetPropertyCHanged Signal(“Value”)?

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It gets when a property of an object is changed, that function fires

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why would i use return return? what will it do

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return breaks a function.
ur returning a return so it will break both functions.

You can use the function above to get an animation track playing on a character or store the value returned by LoadAnimation.

You can then use the function above to stop the animation track. Set the first parameter to 0 to make it stop instantly.

To control the stun, I’d recommend adding an Instance to the player, character, or humanoid (you can also use a BooleanValue as suggested above or a BindableEvent). You can then connect the Instance.ChildAdded event to a function that checks for something named a specific name (ex. “StunnedEffect”). If that happens you can signal weapon code to stop and end connections (touched events, etc.).

dude… theres a red line under the second return

and how would i end the connections tho? thats my whole question

Ill try to find a solution. I was not really sure it would work.

You can pause threads by busy waiting like this

local condition = script.Parent.PauseStatus.Value
while true do
 if not condition then

Oh okay, do something like this:
local connection = part.Touched:Connect(onTouched)

You need to store the value returned by the connect function.
Written on mobile, sorry for the lack of formating


Helpful Resources:

An event (in Roblox) is formally called a RBXScriptSignal:

When you connect an event it returns a connection (aka RBXScriptConnection):

You can then call :Disconnect on this connection to disconnect it (note this stops more threads from being created, doesn’t stop existing ones).

my function isnt in a while true do loop

He is using a function not a while loop. break() only works for loops

disconnect? what does that mean? you can disconnect functions?

You can disconnect event listeners, look into rbx event signals

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so i would disconnect the function if a boolvalue changed to false or something? or a while true do loop checking it?