How could I make a script that picks out a couple of random elements from a table like the one shown below?
local t = {"value", "Another_Value", ["num"] = 1, 2, workspace.Baseplate}
How could I make a script that picks out a couple of random elements from a table like the one shown below?
local t = {"value", "Another_Value", ["num"] = 1, 2, workspace.Baseplate}
local t = {"value", "Another_Value", ["num"] = 1, 2, 3}
function table.shallow_copy(t)
local t2 = {}
for k,v in pairs(t) do
t2[k] = v
return t2
function table.full_length(t)
total = 0
for i,v in pairs(t) do
if v ~= nil then total+=1 end
return total
function pickRandoms(amount)
local copy = table.shallow_copy(t)
local result = {}
for _ = 1,amount do
local num = math.random(1,table.full_length(copy))
local i = 0
for index,value in pairs(copy) do
i += 1
if i == num then
result[index] = value
copy[index] = nil
return result
local result = pickRandoms(3)
you could try something like this, it basically picks a random value of the table length using the custom length function since it is a dictionary. It matches it up with a counter to then add the values to a new table and removed them from the cloned version of the original table.
local function randomFromDictionary(t, num)
num = num or 1
local keysList = {}
for key, _ in pairs(t) do
table.insert(keysList, key)
if num>#keysList then num=#keysList end --doesnt make sense to pick more items than there are in the table (since duplicates are not allowed)
local keys, values = {}, {}
for i=1, num do
local selected = table.remove(keysList, math.random(#keysList))
table.insert(keys, selected)
table.insert(values, t[selected])
return keys, values
local keys, values = randomFromDictionary(t, 2)
This is my solution to the problem. It basically takes your dictionary and extracts a list of keys. Then I pick random keys and return a pair or lists (a keys, and a values table) that is a randomized subset of t.
local function randomFromDictionary(t, num)
num = num or 1
local keysList = {}
for key, _ in pairs(t) do
table.insert(keysList, key)
if num>#keysList then num=#keysList end --doesnt make sense to pick more items than there are in the table (since duplicates are not allowed)
local keys, values = {}, {}
local cap = #keysList
for i=1, num do
local r = math.random(cap)
local selected = keysList[r]
keysList[r] = keysList[cap]
cap = cap - 1
table.insert(keys, selected)
table.insert(values, t[selected])
return keys, values
local keys, values = randomFromDictionary(t, 2)