How would I position the Start Menu to be in the bottom left corner, above taskbar?

I am trying to re-create Microsoft Windows XP (2001-2014) on Roblox. I am having issues with the Start Menu being way above the start menu on 1920x1080 monitors, but just fine on my studio view.

Here are the positions for every object in the StartMenu folder, which contains all Start Menu objects.


{0, 0},{0.103, 0}


{0, 3},{0.108, 0}


{0.045, 0},{0.103, 0}

Position at the bottom, minus 50 the pixel height of the image.

If your image is 50 pixels high:

Position = {0, 0}, {1, -50}

This reads like: go to the bottom of the screen, then go 50 pixels up, but stay against the left edge.


A better way of doing it is to change the AnchorPoint. Normally, UI elements are positioned by the top left. To change it to bottom left, you can set it to (0,1) because its X,Y, the 1 would make the Y at the bottom. And then you can just set the Position of the menu image to {0, 0},{1, 0}. This can also be very helpful for centring stuff by just using AnchorPoint (0.5,0.5), putting it in the middle of the UI element. Then using Position {0.5,0},{0.5,0} can fully centre it.

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