Hello, could you help me put the small part on the bottom of the big part?
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No how would I do it with a script?
set the neon part’s CFrame to the other part’s with a small offset and rotation. Make sure both are anchored.
Here you can find what you are looking for
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You can use CFrame:ToWorldSpace()
Here is a code snippet I just made:
local objectRod = --The object you want to move it on
local objectCap = --The object which will go on the end of the cap, aka the neon part
local rodAxis = "Z" --Change these two things to X, Y, Z if it isn't positioning properly
local capAxis = "Z"
--Reposition it using :ToWorldSpace
-- rodheight offset Cap size offset
local offset = CFrame.new(0, 0, (objectRod.Size[rodAxis]/2) + (objectCap.Size[capAxis]/2))
objectCap.CFrame = objectRod.CFrame:ToWorldSpace(offset)