im trying to get a message from my table possibleMsgs to be picked randomly so that i can send that message if that makes sense but idk how to do it. ty!
local actor:Actor = script:GetActor()
local possibleMsgs = {
"hello i am from the actor",
"pls work",
actor:SendMessage("msg", possibleMsgs)
When you have a table of values such as strings, they are automatically given numerical keys starting from 1 and going up.
For example, your table would actually look like this:
local possibleMsgs = {
[1] = "hello i am from the actor",
[2] = "idk",
[3] = "pls work",
[4] = "lol",
[5] = "jajaja"
This is important because we can take those numbered keys, put them through a random generator, and grab a random value from the table.
To do that, we need to generate a random number between 1 and the length of your table which will actually be the key we access from the table to get a random string.
local randomString = possibleMsgs[math.random(1,#randomString)]
This will return a random string from your table.
Hope this helps!