How would I recreate the skybox in this image but in Roblox?

I am currently figuring out the best way to make that cube-like shape skybox in the image. I do not want to place a lot of cubes and was wondering a way to speed up this process. I am going to make it mini and then make it bigger but right now I am just trying to find a way on doing this.

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I might be able to make you one.
I will try later, do you have discord ?

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You can make one in a program like blender and then render it as a cube map (texture but with 6 sides) then set the images on a normal skybox accordingly. You might be able to do it in Roblox too if you screenshot all 6 sides of cube on the camera with the correct size.

I do have discord, I managed to recreate it using unions though.

My username is the same as my ROBLOX one.

Let me give you a tip. If you have a decent enough PC, render using D5 Render instead of Blender. You can male the skybox in blender, wich will be really easy and export as a fbx (important, each separate modle should have a different material, even if you will keep material empty, D5 render uses materials to separate objects). You can render a 360 image in D5 Render and then convert it to a cubemap. I did already do that exactly this way with a custom city skybox I did; look for models with my username in developer marketplace and you will find out it

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EDIT: Managed to be recreated slightly in a way using a open-sourced 3d skybox.

here’s the place file to see it:

3d skybox.rbxl (838.5 KB)

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