update / attempt #1
I definitely did something wrong here, I used attachments for the grips, one on the box for the arm and the other one that is in the arm, (only doing the left arm so far).
I used a HingeConstraint, and its supposed to snap I believe???
But it didnt!
So what I tried to think of a solution, and thought well maybe its just not active! So lets throw this in the script!
Nope, here an error instead!
Unable to assign property Active. Property is read only - Server - Proximity:18
So, lets remove that whole thing and look at what I had before.
Really what I have here is making sure I have the parts in the character (there are a couple cause I just wanted to see that I was doing it correct).
Here is the print into the console after the player triggers the ProximityPrompt.
Here is the whole script. (ServerScript inside ProximityPrompt)
(SurfaceSelection just there so I remember what face the ProximityPrompt is on)
--// Finding object & what player
print("Object : "..script.Parent.ObjectText)
print("Player Name : "..player.Name)
--// Findng character + body parts
local char = player.Character
print("Character Head Found? : "..char.Head.Name)
print("Character RightArm Found? : "..char["Right Arm"].Name)
print("Character LeftArm Found? : "..char["Left Arm"].Name)
--// Create Constraint(s)
local LeftArmConstraint = Instance.new("HingeConstraint")
LeftArmConstraint.Attachment0 = char["Left Arm"].LeftGripAttachment
LeftArmConstraint.Attachment1 = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Box_LeftArm
LeftArmConstraint.Visible = false
LeftArmConstraint.Enabled = true
Box_LeftArm is the attachment I created inside the Crate for the player hand grip attachment to grip to.
Here is where the LeftGripAttachment attachment is.
Not sure if the part not being unanchored makes any changes to this, because I tried anchored and unanchored but nothing changed.
Any help for me being stuck.
Feel free to ask questions on anything I just said cause I get it, its a lot to read here in just this one post