How would I reduce lag in my game?

I have a lot of people complaining about my game is laggy and I can feel that on my phone as well how would I reduce lag? I have no Advanced terrain and No Malicious Scripts so I don’t know what could be done to save my game from the lag.
What is the main lag cause?


My phone has been lagging since the FIB Update, so I guess that’s normal. In my computer it looks like it works right without any lag or problem. Does your game have Future lighting? That might be the reason. ShadowMap lighting doesnt lag as much and Voxel is the best for mobile, in my opinion.

Here are some tips you can try!
For some reason it is way hard to move the mouse and the player due to lag which makes the game experience horrendous.

I would suggest trying one of these methods.

-Try deleting unnecessary parts and models.
-Try grouping all the parts. Since it will be rendered way more easier then by the Roblox Engine rendering it part by part.
-If there is any weird script/virus that was added in by a backdoor/plugin or by accident, there will be lag depending on what type of script.

If none of these work do let me know. You have a great game btw.


Hmm it doesn’t seem to change much and I don’t use free models anymore and all the scripts I have are made by me and all my plugins have been checked and are not malicious

Wait, you mean union the parts as one part to have less polygons which wil render less in Roblox Studio Engine.

Grouping is not going to work, its just a bunch or a set of parts

As far as I know CSG can get extremely laggy because you’re making custom parts

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