I’m making a custom Fabric Material for a game I’m making and I’m trying to remove the specular while keeping the bright colors
My roughness map is a 32x32 black square and I’m on Compatibility lighting
I want to get rid of the specular so it looks like this while keeping the bright colors.
You want it removed only for the fabric?
If so i believe will need to be scripted… otherwise if its all material just go into lighting and lower the environmentspecularscale.
Yes, the material’s only on the Fabric. It’s a MaterialVariant override if it helps. The EnvironmentSpecularScale is also 0.
Hmmmmm come to think of it even scripting will only change the entire environment.
Look at this topic link, it looks like specular was replaced by a combo of metalness and roughness, you might have to play with both to achieve your effect:
Easy! Make the roughness map completely white!
The problem with making the roughness map white is that while it wipes out the specular, the colors get a bit washed out and a weird fresnel appears on the back of more complex meshes.
Black Roughness Map:
White Roughness Map:
That fresnel is outdoorambient in that case!
Really? If so, how would I remove it? My OutdoorAmbient is completely 0,0,0
My outdoor ambient usually hovers from 30 30 30 up to 80 80 80
Fresnel’s still there, even on higher ambients
Maybe both are caused by the same thing?