I am making a first person game and the controls I want for moving the camera will be with the left and right arrow keys, how would I make it so that the camera is no longer moved by using the mouse?
There might be a CameraType for this but I’m not sure which one. For the record I basically need to remove all camera movement, including with the arrow keys so I can implement my custom one.
There are 2 CameraTypes to Disable Movement:
Fixed Camera type freezes the Camera until set back, Not Scriptable
Not really used
Removes The Ability to Move the Camera until set back, Its Scriptable
This CameraType
is used to script certain Movements that a Fixed Cannot do
For Example:
- Player Death
- 2D
- Arcade
I set it to scriptable, but how do I make it stay first person? That is, make the camera stay inside the players head, it just walks off
NEVERMIND! I figured something out.
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