I am trying to convert my terrain map from a Summer Theme to a winter theme.
Only issue is, if I use terrain tools it would take ages to replace the grass with snow and ice. So how would I go about this with scripts?
I have found similar topics but neither of them had the answer I was looking for.
It says the terrain region is too big.
It is possible with a Loop but I dont know how I would go about it.
local WorkspaceService = game:GetService("Workspace")
local Part1 = WorkspaceService["1"]
local Part2 = WorkspaceService["2"]
local Region = Region3.new(Part1.Position, Part2.Position)
Region = Region:ExpandToGrid(4)
WorkspaceService.Terrain:ReplaceMaterial(Region, 4, Enum.Material.Grass, Enum.Material.Snow)
Create a part in workspace named 1 and put it in the lower region of the grass you want to replace. Then create a part named 2 and put it in the higher region. Then run the code. All grass between the region will be replaced with snow.
Here is a video tutorial: (I have been waiting like 20 minutes for this to upload )
You can also find the terrain object under workspace and change the grass color property to white, Iām not sure if that will look good or not though.