Like how? Do I make a value in replicated storage or send the combo value with remotes. I really need an example or explanation.
Can you go into more detail with what you are trying to do here?
I’m making a simple combat system with tools. I’m just stuck on the combo part as combo needs to be in client (to play animation) but server needs to verify it. Also the server can’t see the values in client I think. So yeah I don’t know what to do now
Simple, just use RemoteEvents.
If you’re trying to send something to either the server/client, you can send in a table where the combo value is in it.
local Combo = 1
local remoteEvent = game.ReplicatedStoarge.Remote
remoteEvent:FireAllClients({ComboValue = combo})
local remote = game.ReplicatedStorage.Remote
local combo = data.ComboValue
If the combo counter is only used to control the attack animation, and not anything like a damage boost then does it even matter if it’s 100% trustable or not? I don’t even see why an exploiter would care enough to even edit it
As @txcIove said you really don’t need to worry about verifying the animations on their own on the server. It most likely wouldn’t affect any other players.
what if I made a hitbox in a animation event? Do I really not need to verify the combo?
use a remote event to fire a combat number from the client to the server. Process the hitbox in the server