How would I resize my character without having the limbs squashed together

Video: (bad quality, sorry about that)

Script that resizes me:

for _, Limb in pairs(Character:GetChildren()) do
     if Limb:IsA("BasePart") or Limb:IsA("Part") then
		 local Info =
	     Ts:Create(Limb, Info, {Size = Limb.Size * 1.5}):Play()

So I’m making a werewolf tool where when you equip the tool and press Q you turn into a werewolf, meaning you grow in size and your skin turns brown. The problem I have is that when I resize the limbs like this they end up getting squashed together, as shown in the video. How would I resize my character while keeping the limbs the correct distance from each other?

You would resize your character by using a :Connect and function. It will connect each humanoid parts by using the startercharacter contained with the tool.

That isn’t the problem, the problem is that this way of resizing my character makes the limbs very squashed together, and I’m not sure how I can move them apart.

I think theres a scale property built in to R15 characters, if you used that it would retain the cframe relationship of each limb and joint and you wouldnt have this problem
I found it in the humanoid


Oh wow, I didn’t think it would be that easy. I found the scale properties inside the humanoid description in the humanoid and just raised them.