How would I send a model to another game

Hello, I am making a game right now that includes custom character customization.
my basic idea is that you join the game, it puts you into the main menu and there you can change your
Then you would press play and it would send you to another place/game where you actually play

Basically I am trying to figure out how I would save the custom character and move it into the 2nd game

My first idea was to get the model and put it into starterplayer named “StarterCharacter” once the player joins the second game which would change them into their character

But how would I go about doing it that? or is there a better way?


Is the 2nd game apart of the universe?

If not, you’ll gonna have to move it into one universe, then, store the character data in a Datastore that can be accessed between both games.

I wouldn’t reccomend this, as you may have to use datastores and models which gets annoying. Instead, I would reccomend just… making a character changer in the first game, you can do this by simply finding x part in the humanoid (For example RightLeg) and replacing it with a part that you want to be the characters Right Leg.

Alternativeley, you can change the players StarterCharacter and use the Player:LoadCharacter() function or just kill them lol. I would reccomend using a serverscript and remote event.

alright, I made it so that the character doesnt load but that also has seems to of broken the main menu camera and gui, I simply just turned off “CharacterautoLoads” under player service, do you have a clue why?

Nah, you can keep the player loaded, just reset them once they hit “play” or change their character (once you have set their startercharacter)

I have figured it out thanks alot!

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