How would I sent a roblox decal/image with a discord webhook?

Making a custom pin creator which basically gives you a cool little image on your leaderboard profile, but I also want to log when a person creates one in case, he does one that is basically a pin of another which is only given if you win something and would be removed from his profile

This is the code I use:

	local Hook = ""
	local Data

	Data = {
		["content"]= "",
		["thumnail"] = {
			["url"] = **converted id of the image** <----- *for example:*
		["embeds"]= {
				["title"]= Title,
				["color"]= 0xFFFFFF,
				["fields"]= {
						["name"] = FieldTitle,
						["value"] = Message

				["timestamp"] =

	Data = HttpService:JSONEncode(Data)

	local Success, ErrorMsg = pcall(function()
	if Success then
		return true
		return false

In the field of thumbnail>url is where i want the coverted image to be with the example link

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