How would I setup an IK Rig on an R6 Character in Blender?

So basically I’m starting to rig this R6 Character but I want the feet to always touch the ground and be reactive when I move the torso, but I have no idea how to setup the bones for that.

This is roughly what I have now.

Did you know:
You just can use a plugin, for it. Plugin.

If I misunderstood something, answer me.

If you are asking if, when you move the torso the feet will have some response, then you need to parent the mesh to the armature and start weight painting.
Once the mesh is parented to the armature, first select the armature, then mesh and go into Weight Painting mode:

It will look something like this.

Once you selected a bone by holding control and selecting one, you can then paint over the mesh.
Red being more responsive to the bones movement and blue being not at all responsive, that’s probably why the legs aren’t moving with the torso. Because the torso bone doesn’t have any weight to the leg bones.