How would I smoothly transition from walking to running?

I’m pretty sure it has something to do with animation weight, but I still don’t get it how I have to use it…
I’ve been browsing through the devforum for about 10 minutes now, and I still can’t find any solution to this.

Help would be appreciated.


I’ve still been looking around and couldn’t find anything, any help?

set your walkspeed all the way up

If you are just changing the walk speed, you could use tweens or a for loop.

walkspeed = 16
--speed up
for i = 16, 30,1 do
walkspeed = i

for example, your walkspeed is 5, then we’ll make our walkspeed to 18 to have a smooth transition

If you want something similar to how a car smoothly accelerates, then maybe you can use a while wait loop and increase the humanoid walk speed by however much you want until it reaches a certain point. Make sure to put a wait somewhere in it though. The lower you increase the walkspeed every time you run through the loop, the smoother the transition will be.

I was talking about animation and not the walkspeed itself, sorry if I wasn’t being clear about that.
But, yeah I don’t think changing walkspeed will change the animation at all, what I’m trying to achieve is that it smoothly goes to the first keyframe of the animation, which, instead of transitioning, it instantly goes to it on default.

Here is a gif of what I’m trying to do:
(embed will fail, is just an image host website)

I think you could probably use AnimationTrack.Speed.

No, not exactly.
As it would not change how the animation “blends in”.

I found a solution. Try adjusting the fade time and tween the walkspeed.



I think the default is 0.1