I want to begin making a realistic ocean system, similar to games outside of roblox. How do I begin editing vertices of mesh parts to create that effect? I’ve read about skinned meshes, and editable meshes, but I’m failing to understand how to edit the vertices.
you can’t edit vertices of mesh parts directly in roblox. for something like an ocean, you’d wanna use skinned meshes. you’ll have to rig the mesh in something like blender, import it, and then animate the bones to make it look like waves. another option is using surface appearance with displacement maps and scripting, but that’s a bit harder. hope this helps!
Isn’t there a beta feature called editable meshes? I’ll look into editable meshes, since I think that might be the answer. Anyways, thank you for your reply!
yeah, editable meshes is still in beta so it might be what you’re looking for. i haven’t messed with it much yet but i saw the article on it. but if it lets you edit vertices directly in studio, that could be a game-changer. good luck with it, and no problem!