How would I stop "teams" appearing on my leaderboard?

Hi, basically I have some teams in my game, “lobby”, “team1” and “team2” but when a player gets added to one of these teams it shows it on the leaderboard. I just want the players and their stats on the leaderboard, I don’t want it to show what team they are on. Any ideas how I can do this?


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What you can do is put the team object in a service outside of the teams service. And just add the players you want to add on the team anyway. Oh yeah good luck by the way.

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So I would just put it in the workspace or something?

I have a sword that only deals damage if the player is on the opposite team. Would that mess this up?

function IsTeamMate(Player1, Player2)
	if Player1.Team.Name == "Lobby" or Player2.Team.Name == "Lobby" then
		return true
	elseif Player1.Team.Name == Player2.Team.Name then
		return true

You can put it any service you want really and it’ll be hidden. I don’t think this script would mess it up aswell since you’d still be adding players into the team so everything would work.

Actually I was wrong, you’d get an error saying that team must be a member of game.Teams, do this: Make teams not show up if there is nobody in the said team

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Thanks, but ideally I’d want it to never show up even if there is someone in the team. Is this possible? Or would I need to create my own custom leaderboard?

Oh, then you might need to make something custom yeah. But you could easily make basically the same thing with a folder named “Red” and sending players on that folder, or a folder named “Blue” and sending players into that folder, (make them children of the folder) then you can do basically the same thing an ordinary team object could do. :GetPlayers() is basically :GetChildren() on the folder.


Ohhhh and with my sword script I could just check if the player is a child of the “Blue folder”?

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Yep! That’s all you gotta do! Good luck.

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All fixed thank you very much for your help. I just parent the players character whenever someone joins the game and change their characters parent whenever I want them to switch team.

Great! Happy to help. I’ve never been the solution before aswell lol.

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