So I am making a game where teams are needed, but I don’t want the Player list to be cluttered with teams that have nobody in them. I was wondering if I need to make a custom playerlist to do this or if I can use the standard one to do this. I want to make the teams not show up on the playerlist if there is no one in them.
there is no way to prevent teams from appearing in the leaderboard. However, you can create a system where if there are no players in a team, then remove the team from the service, this will then remove the team from the leaderboard and only create the team when there is a player who will appear there.
It just tells me what coreGuis there are and how to reference it, as I said i’m not a programmer so I have no idea how to actually code it. I know basic code but thats it.
local StarterGui = game:GetService("StarterGui")
StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Teams,false) -- there is no such thing as teams
Hi. There isn’t a way to disable teams showing up and I wouldn’t carry out the system suggested by the other user. What I would do is look into maybe creating your own scoreboard GUI. You could use youtube and other resources to learn what you need.
I’d also say it’s quite a good project if you know the basics of scripting because it teaches you UI design, client / server communication and events.
This will parent teams on client to ReplicatedStorage and parent them back if someone is in that team (suggested not changing teams on client its really a bad idea with this)
This should be a local script in StarterGui I EDITED THE SCRIPT USE THE NEW ONE I FIXXED SOME BUGS
-- Changable --
local Team1 = game.Teams.YourTeamName
local Team2 = game.Teams.YourTeamName
local Team3 = game.Teams.YourTeamName
-- Not changable --
local Team1Number = 0
local Team2Number = 0
local Team3Number = 0
while wait() do
Team1Number = 0
Team2Number = 0
Team3Number = 0
for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
local TeamToAddUses = v.Team
if TeamToAddUses == Team1 then
Team1Number = Team1Number + 1
elseif TeamToAddUses == Team2 then
Team2Number = Team2Number + 1
elseif TeamToAddUses == Team3 then
Team3Number = Team3Number + 1
Team1.Parent = game.Teams
Team2.Parent = game.Teams
Team3.Parent = game.Teams
local NewTeamToAddUSes = v.Team
if NewTeamToAddUSes == Team1 then
Team1Number = Team1Number + 1
elseif NewTeamToAddUSes == Team2 then
Team2Number = Team2Number + 1
elseif NewTeamToAddUSes == Team3 then
Team3Number = Team3Number + 1
return warn("Failed instance of Team.")
if Team1Number == 0 then
Team1.Parent = game.ReplicatedStorage
Team1.Parent = game.Teams
if Team2Number == 0 then
Team2.Parent = game.ReplicatedStorage
Team2.Parent = game.Teams
if Team3Number == 0 then
Team3.Parent = game.ReplicatedStorage
Team3.Parent = game.Teams
Here is a simple example of a team getting removed if there are no players. You can modify this to your liking and do remember, whenever a team gets added or removed, you will need to recall this loop.
for _,v in game:GetService('Teams'):GetTeams() do
if table.getn(v:GetPlayers()) == 0 then
Same thing from another post, it is currently impossible to hide teams from the playerlist. But, there is many other ways of doing it, you can prob use a BoolValue or something like that.