How Would I Sync All Clients For My TD Game

Hello Developers, I Have Created A Tower System For My TD Game But I Got A Problem Soo When I Place A Tower I Am The Only One That See’s That Tower I Know What You Are Thinking “Make The Towers Server Sided” I Can’t Bc My Mobs Are Client Sided Here Is My Code Logic Client Sided Module :

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService")

--Events handler
local Events_Folder = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("RemotesFolder")

--Tower Events
local Tower_Events = Events_Folder:WaitForChild("Tower_Events")
local OnClient = Tower_Events:WaitForChild("OnClient")
local OnServer = Tower_Events:WaitForChild("OnServer")

local Camera = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera

local Tower = {}

function Tower.Spawn(SelectedTower, BlackList)
	local RP =
	RP.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Exclude
	RP.FilterDescendantsInstances = BlackList

	local MouseLoc = UIS:GetMouseLocation()
	local Direction = Camera:ViewportPointToRay(MouseLoc.X, MouseLoc.Y)

	local RayResult = workspace:Raycast(Direction.Origin, Direction.Direction * 100, RP)

	if RayResult then
		local part ="Part")
		part.Anchored = true
		part.Position = RayResult.Position
		part.Parent = workspace
		part.Name = SelectedTower

		print("Part created")
		print("Mouse is nil")


function Tower.SpawnOnClient(SelectedTower, BlackList)
	OnServer:FireServer(SelectedTower, BlackList)

return Tower

client side local script:

--client tower module local script handler :

-- Services
local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService")

-- require
local Tower_Module = require(script.Parent.Parent.Tower_Module:WaitForChild("Tower_Module"))

-- Variables
local SelectedTower = nil

	SelectedTower = "String"

	if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 and SelectedTower then
		Tower_Module.SpawnOnClient(SelectedTower, {})

server side module :

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

--Events handler
local Events_Folder = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("RemotesFolder")

--Tower Events
local Tower_Events = Events_Folder:WaitForChild("Tower_Events")
local OnClient = Tower_Events:WaitForChild("OnClient")
local OnServer = Tower_Events:WaitForChild("OnServer")

local Tower = {}

function Tower.Spawn(player, SelectedTower, BlackList)
	OnClient:FireAllClients(SelectedTower, BlackList)


return Tower

server side script:

local Tower_Module = require(script.Parent.Parent.Tower_Module:WaitForChild("Tower_Module"))

any helps is appreciated!

Well, making both the towers and the mobs server-sided is the best approach here, but if not you could look into using RemoteEvent:FireAllClients() to tell all the clients that a tower has been placed.

If you look at the scripts that’s what I am literally doing

Then how exactly is the tower not showing for the other players if that’s the logic you’re using?

Idk I spawn the towers on client and I send a remote to the server and fireallclients and on server event

Ok Soo I Synced It But The Positions Are Not The Same For All Players.

Ok I Fixed It Just Some Debugging

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