Hello Developers, recently I’ve had the idea to make a system like Flood Escape 2:Community maps, where the game checks if the player is in a VIP server, and if they aren’t they are teleported to a separate, singleplayer place that nobody else can join.
However, if it’s a VIP server, it would keep them there. I have found out how to check if the player is in a VIP server but cannot seem to figure out how to teleport them to said singleplayer place, I would appreciate any help
ReserveServer would be utilized to create the “singleplayer place” and TeleportToPrivateServer would be used to teleport that player to the new place.
In order to teleport a single player, ensure that you wrap the reference to the player in a table because TeleportToPrivateServer only accepts an array of players to teleport.
You can also do the initial check to see if the player is in a private server or not, by using if game.PrivateServerId == "" then which will run if they are not in a private server, since game.PrivateServerId only returns an id if it is a private server.