How would I teleport players to a singleplayer place if they weren't in a VIP Server?

Hello Developers, recently I’ve had the idea to make a system like Flood Escape 2:Community maps, where the game checks if the player is in a VIP server, and if they aren’t they are teleported to a separate, singleplayer place that nobody else can join.
However, if it’s a VIP server, it would keep them there. I have found out how to check if the player is in a VIP server but cannot seem to figure out how to teleport them to said singleplayer place, I would appreciate any help

thank you in advance.

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From my understanding, this can be achieved with the TeleportToPrivateServer and ReserveServer methods.

ReserveServer would be utilized to create the “singleplayer place” and TeleportToPrivateServer would be used to teleport that player to the new place.

In order to teleport a single player, ensure that you wrap the reference to the player in a table because TeleportToPrivateServer only accepts an array of players to teleport.

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You can also do the initial check to see if the player is in a private server or not, by using if game.PrivateServerId == "" then which will run if they are not in a private server, since game.PrivateServerId only returns an id if it is a private server.

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Hey, this worked for me. Thank you so much! ^^