How would I temporarily freeze a players app as a prank?

Hi, I want to make a script where if you observe a part, it freezes your roblox app for a few seconds before resuming as a prank but how would I achieve that?

I did find posts on how to crash a players app but thats not what I want, I want to freeze a players app for fun for maybe 2 or 3 seconds.

I know a way to crash a user is by using while true do end but I wanna try something else that just freezes. I thought of using those FPS capping scripts and set the FPS value to 0.5 but it felt like it would be tough for me to script it.

Any ideas/suggestions?

local runservice= game:GetService(“RunService”)

local maxframes = 3

while true do
local tick1 = tick()
repeat until (tick1 + 1/maxframes) < tick()

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Not really the solution but maybe I could mess around with it.

Aha! Found how to do it! I just had to remove the while true do so it only does it once!

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