How Would I Transform An R15 Morph To R6?

Hello guys, I was just wondering if there was any way to transform an R15 morph to R6? I have searched everywhere but can’t find the answer I’m searching for.

Also, which is easier to make a game with, R15 or R6?

Thanks in advance.

  • Oct

PS Unsure whether this should be in another category, like #help-and-feedback:scripting-support


there is no way to transform r15 morph to r6 you can do it by making your own morphs

It depends on what game youre making if its an obby or some simple mechanic game then use R6 if its complicated game like a fps game use R15

R6 is easy to animate then R15

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I might be wrong, but you might be able to use HumanoidDescriptions here.

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Well nevermind. Couldn’t find setting for it. I wonder if you can get the HumanoidDescription from a R15 rig and try applying it to a R6 rig.


You can force all players in your game to be either R15 or R6, but besides that I don’t think you really can’t convert characters automatically.

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If you have an NPC in R15 you can simply copy its items such as clothes and add a new NPC in R6 to the workspace and then paste the items you copied into it

It just change the animation of the character.

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