Greetings! I am having trouble loading the character from workspace and I’m just wondering how I could trigger a remote event from workspace? I don’t know if it is possible since I can’t find anything on the net.
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What do you mean, sry I dont understand
Are you trying to fire a remote event that’s located in workspace?
No, I’m trying to fire a remote event from workspace.
Like from a script that’s in workspace?
Yes, from a script that’s in workspace.
If you want to fire the server from workspace, then you’ll need a LocalScript inside of StarterCharacterScripts, with this script (presuming your events are in ReplicatedStorage):
local RS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local yourEvent = RS:WaitForChild("EventNameHere")
-- add desired conditions that must be met before firing server
yourEvent:FireServer() -- include any variables you want to send to the server
Otherwise, LocalScripts will not run in Workspace unless they’re a descendant of a player’s character.
If it’s a ServerScript, then you can use the script I’ve provided but use FireAllClients instead, or FireClient(plr)