How would I turn a table into a one-line string?

Hello everyone! Thank you for taking the time to read this topic. See, I am having trouble with figuring out how to turn items in my table to a one-line string. I’ve attempted to look for topics that cover this, I, unfortunately, didn’t find one of interest.

For example, say we have a table:

local Table = {"nino133","RedTriumph","TheMasterRoblock"}

How would I turn that table into a string that looks like this:

local String = "nino133, RedTriumph, TheMasterRoblock"

I’ve attempted using something with table.concat and table.unpack, however I didn’t really get anywhere.

It’s most likely an easy topic to solve, thanks for reading!

local Table = {"nino133","RedTriumph","TheMasterRoblock"}
print(table.concat(Table, ", "))
> nino133, RedTriumph, TheMasterRoblock
local Tbl = {"hi", 1, true}

local stringVersion = game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONEncode(Tbl)

Thanks! I knew it was an easy solution. <3