How would i tween a Camera's Position keeping the Orientation the same?

I want to create a game simular to FNAF 4 but i am having a problem just tweening the
camera’s position and keeping its orignal position?
How can i fix that?

ive tried this:

TweenService:Create(CurrentCamera,,{CFrame.Position = part.Position})

but it doesnt work and errors!
Im thinking of making an extra part as a fake camera and just have it follow that
but that seems impractical.
Maybe there is another way that i dont know
but maybe you guys can help(pls do :pray: )

Try to replace with this:

TweenService:Create(CurrentCamera,,{CFrame = CurrentCamera.CFrame.Rotation + part.Position})

That is a Vector3 and not a CFrame

It shouldn’t be.


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mb it works, thanks for your help

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