How would I type annotate an inherited Object?

I’m trying out annotations for the first time & doing my best to integrate it with magnalite’s method of abstraction & object creation. Although the base class is functional, I can’t figure out how I would annotate an inherited class, if that’s even at all possible.

Base Object Class:


-- Module Table
local Object = {}
Object.__index = Object

-- Object Type
type ObjectType = typeof(setmetatable({}, Object))

--[[ Constructor: Returns an instance of the ObjectType class. ]]
function number, arg2: boolean): ObjectType
	local self = setmetatable({}, Object)
	-- Properties
	self.Number = arg1
	self.Bool = arg2

	return self

--[[ Get Number: Returns the object's number. ]]
function Object:getNumber(): number self = self::ObjectType
	return self.Number :: number

--[[ Get Number: Returns the object's bool. ]]
function Object:getBool(): boolean self = self::ObjectType
	return self.Bool :: boolean

-- Module Table
return Object

Inherited Object Class:


-- Parent Class
local BaseObject = require(script.Parent)

-- Module Table
local inheritedObject = setmetatable({}, BaseObject)
inheritedObject.__index = inheritedObject

-- Object Type
type inheritedObjectType = typeof(setmetatable({}, BaseObject)) & typeof(setmetatable({}, inheritedObject))

-- Colour Type
type colour = "blue"| "red" | "green"

--[[ Constructor: Returns an instance of the inheritedObjectType class ]]
function number, arg2: boolean, arg3: colour): inheritedObjectType
	local self = setmetatable({,arg2)}, inheritedObject) :: inheritedObjectType
	-- Properties
	self.Colour = arg3
	return self

--[[ Get Colour: Returns the object's colour. ]]
function inheritedObject:getColour(): colour self = self::inheritedObjectType
	return self.Colour :: colour

-- Module Table
return inheritedObject

Currently the InheritedObject class will only autofill for the base class’s functions & properties while not allowing me to add any new ones either. It doesn’t override the base functions either. I would appreciate any kind of explanations or possible errors I could’ve made.

I believe for any sort of inheritance, you would have to type out all the members of the inherited class, ie:

type inheritedObjectProps = {
	Colour: colour;

type inheritedObjectMethods = {
	getColour: (self: inheritedObjectType) -> colour;
	__index: inheritedObjectMethods;

type inheritedObjectType = typeof(setmetatable({} :: inheritedObjectProps, {} :: inheritedObjectMethods)) & ObjectType

--[[ Constructor: Returns an instance of the inheritedObjectType class ]]
function number, arg2: boolean, arg3: colour): inheritedObjectType
	local self = setmetatable(,arg2) :: any, inheritedObject)

	-- Properties
	self.Colour = arg3

	return self :: inheritedObjectType

local a: inheritedObjectType
-- a should now autocomplete for all members