How would I upload a module to GitHub?

How would I publish the source code of my module to GitHub? I am pretty new to this so

Also should this be in #development-discussion or #help-and-feedback:scripting-support or something else?

I have heard about Rojo but I am not sure if that is used for this

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You can look at the REST API for github here:

You can send the request with your module’s source code through HttpService:

I mean how I could get pull requests working or something
Once again I don’t really use GitHub, so I may not know what to do sometimes

Stuff like this but for only one module

I think I have an idea for you, If I read it right:

use rojo to connect your project with vs code

then from vs code you can just do use pull request to Github

Some Links:
Vs Code: Download Visual Studio Code - Mac, Linux, Windows

Rojo docs:



I will be trying that, and yes that is what I mean. Thanks!

By the way I already have vs code, I use it a lot

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Haha same because It’s very easy and nice to work with

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Question, how would I do this for a module only? No folders or anything

I think I found docs about it:

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