Hello! I am a relatively new developer, so please pardon any mistakes with logic, grammar, etc.
What do you want to achieve?
I am currently trying to make a camera script that faces the logo of my game.
What is the issue?
I cannot figure out how to implement CFrame.Angles into the camera script. If I try to implement CFrame.Angles on the same line as the CFrame, there would be no effect.
local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local CameraPartForTitle = game.Workspace.CameraPartForTitle
camera.CameraType = "Fixed"
camera.Focus = CameraPartForTitle.CFrame
camera.FieldOfView = 60
camera.CFrame(-22.7, 168, 30) CFrame.Angles(45, 0, 0)
I think I may be using the wrong camera type, but I am not sure which one to use.