How would one get started Scripting?

My name is Okay_Wesley I’ve been on Roblox for some years now. I would like to know how to start my scripting career on Roblox. I am eager to start learning from the basics. Can anyone suggest some resources for achieving this?


To be honest you should just watch youtube. while it might be a little boring, youre gonna randomly learn how to use it. like a language! You dont learn every word, you just randomly hear it and know what it is and how it works.


Never ever use the free scripting tools linked in youtube. It might be confusing. Contact with us, we can teach you functions, booleans and strings. Just create a topic if you are having issues and we’ll try to help you. Because DevForum members are using less confusing scripting methods. Create some topic and we’ll help you.


Hello, Ro Developer

I am interested in knowing where to begin my learning journey. Could you kindly guide me on where to start? I’ve added a component to the workspace in an attempt to comprehend all the connections between each part of the script, but I am unsure about the process of script writing.


Are you serious? I’ve been waiting for help for a whole day, but no one even helped, of course, but I wrote 1 post and thanks for that, can you help me?


I would advise you to play with the Lua language, let’s say you study what is responsible for what, etc., and take the item from the toolbox, delete the script and write yourself from your mind, nn To begin with, you need to learn the English language


I’m not an expert scripter but I’ll try to help if you don’t know the basic scripting I can help you with making touch detector or making triggered Gui


Ofc I can help if it is not a long script. But pls do not expect me to write a script like lobby teleport script it costs a day to write. Omg no one wanted help from me until this day I’m so happy!


local plateform = script.Parent

local function disappear()
plateform.CanCollide = false
plateform.Transparency= 1

local function appear()
plateform.CanCollide = true
plateform.Transparency = 0


– make loop
while true do
Seems this does not appear again when it is supposed to.


I’d recommend to learn the basics first, and then try and make some games. Everyone’s first game won’t be great, although you will learn a ton from them. You’ll definitely improve over time.


did you anchor the plateform? if not, it probably fell into the void


Oh yes, thank you! That worked.


Step 1: Do not forgot to write an enable anchor script or anchor it on studio.

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I am also new to scripting in the Roblox Luau code, and here are some tips I can give that helped me get started. Before I begin, you have to understand that coding is a pretty slow process, and it will take you some time before you do anything good in the game. Perhaps a few months, but this depends on your talent and how much you invest in the learning process, of course.

Lets start.

Watch some Roblox Studios overview videos to understand the basics of how the app works and be able to do some very basic things. Secondly, go to Alvyn Blox’s or TheDevKing’s channel and find their beginner tutorial playlists. You may as well try to see if there are any other YouTubers who do tutorials like that. You can also find some beginner tutorials on the Developer Forum.

When you watch their videos, replicate everything they are doing in your own Roblox Studio as a practice. You can also play with the code to understand how it works better. Mix things up and have fun. Moreover, having some kind of separate file where you would be able to store a bunch of text explaining different concepts is important. I personally use Google Docs. For example, you would have an example code of a remote function in your Roblox Studio (with some notes you can create by typing “–” and then some text after that) and some text in your Google Docs that would explain the whole concept of Remote Functions. Try creating your own explanations for things. Like you would be explaining it to someone else. Obviously, you don’t have to waste all your time creating your own perfect explanations. They are there just for you to be confident in your knowledge.

From my experience, the tutorials on YouTube do not cover everything there is to know about some concepts and themes. Be prepared to have a lot of questions because a YouTuber didn’t explain something properly or at all, this happens quite often, especially with more advanced things. Use the Developer Forum to find any information or ask any questions yourself, it is VERY helpful. And don’t be depressed if you don’t understand some things people post in the Developer Forum, this happens to me personally all the time.

When you are finished with the beginner tutorials on YouTube, you should also cover the advanced stuff. At least that is what the tutorials are named as, I’m not sure if they are actually classified as “advanced”. You will use most of the things they teach, so having a good understanding of them is important. After that, there are many things you can do. You can go deeper into coding to be able to create the most complex games on Roblox, basically just learning how to code without creating anything of your own (which is hard), or you can create your own small game with everything you have learned and learn new things in the process of the game development. Maybe you can think of something else to do.

This is pretty much it. Good luck, and welcome to Roblox scripting!

PS: Official Roblox documentation is also good, but it can sometimes not explain everything clear enough for beginners: Platform Overview | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub


I got you. Here’s 3 ways that I’ve tried and has helped me both, but I’ll separate them because they are different methods.

  1. Do little simple scripts
  • Turn on/off a light
  • learn how to change the properties of the Part/Model/Thing you want

This should help you learn the basics.

  1. Imitate scripts you see/copy/use/got.
  • Want to learn how to teleport but don’t know how? Just take an existing script from the Free model page on Roblox or online. Make sure the script works, then open the script and learn/see how it was made. You can then try and imitate it.

Sounds bad BUT this also helped me learn what does what.

  1. Learning online.
  • Go on Youtube/Google/or whatever extension you are using, and search what you want.
  • Most of the things you are concern about are already ANSWERED online, and most people DON’T realize this.

Most effective way tbh. Hope this helps.


start watching youtube tutorials. they all give good advice. maybe take down some notes to remember for later on. another good strategy is to just practice. start small with either a simulator or obby to get that feeling of publishing a game. dont always copy and paste things without knowing what they are or what they do either. you might be missing out on important info! best of luck in your programming journeys!

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