How would one go about sorting a dictionary by it's key?

I’ve searched for topics on this problem, however I cannot find the answers i’m looking for.
In my script, I have table with each index being a certain time and the value being another table.
I cannot find a way to sort these “times” from least to greatest.
An example of the table in question is below.

[0] = :arrow_forward: {…},
[1] = :arrow_forward: {…},
[2] = :arrow_forward: {…},
[3] = :arrow_forward: {…},
[4] = :arrow_forward: {…},
[0.01666666753590107] = :arrow_forward: {…},
[0.03333333507180214] = :arrow_forward: {…},
[0.05000000074505806] = :arrow_forward: {…},
[0.06666667014360428] = :arrow_forward: {…},

As you can see, the indexes are out of order.

Perhaps this can help? Bubble Sort Algorithm - GeeksforGeeks
here’s another Insertion Sort - GeeksforGeeks

Here’s a module I made a few years ago, as an example:

local SortModule = {}

function SortModule:HighToLow(Table)
	table.sort(Table, function(a, b)
		return (
			a > b

function SortModule:LowToHigh(Table)
	table.sort(Table, function(a, b)
		return (
			a < b

return SortModule
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local SortModule = {}

function SortModule:HighToLow(Table)
	table.sort(Table, function(a, b)
		return (
			a > b

function SortModule:LowToHigh(Table)

return SortModule

wouldn’t this be shorter

Shorter; yes.
I just chose to use the same algorithm as above back then.

Isn’t this just the LUA table sort function that sorts the values rather than the indexes? It returns this error: “attempt to compare table < table”, which i’m assuming happens because it’s trying to compare the values of the indexes, which are more tables, rather than comparing the index numbers themselves.

anyways if you just want low to high then do


don’t use a module if you don’t need it

You might find this helpful, I thought you meant arrays, not a dictionary.

Yeah sorry. sometimes I get arrays mixed up with dictionaries. Yes sorting the dictionary keys.

use a for pairs loop to get all the indexes, then sort the indexes

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I tried that, but I had no idea how to put that back into a table. Do you mind giving me an example?

you just have to index it back.
Say you have the sorted table of indexes
{1, 1.1, 1.5, 2, 3}
you can use ipairs to iterate in order, then use dict[index]

Dictionaries are never guaranteed to return in the same order values are inserted into it. You’d need an array that references each key in the dictionary then sorts the values in the array rather than in the dictionary.

Because your keys are numbers this is pretty easy to do…

local dict = {
    [0] = 1,
    [1] = 3,
    [2] = 5,
    [3] = 6,
    [0.4] = 2,
    [1.3] = 4,

-- The part you're interested in
local sortedKeyTable = {}

for k, v in pairs(dict) do
    table.insert(sortedKeyTable, k)


-- end

-- Then we can check if it worked
for i, v in ipairs(sortedKeyTable) do


Thanks! I did not know dictionaries didn’t keep there value orders, so I got frustrated when I ordered them it would always return the same.

That may be true in some other languages but in lua, a dictionary is literally the same thing as an array. They are both tables, with a key and value for each entry. When indexing them, the order doesn’t even matter, it just finds the value with the matching key.

Right from the docs:

Furthermore, lua does not have an array datatype:

To loop over a dictionary by order of key, you need to sort the keys into an array-like structure and use ipairs.

I don’t think you actually read any of the posts above…

lua doesn’t have dictionaries either, its all tables