Sorry I forgot the exact name for the title q.q… [thx buildthomas for the help]
Anyway, I am trying to get into animating now this is a thing, however I am struggling a bit… So I imported a rig using the roblox animation plugin and I unanchored all parts for this to work [cus otherwise it wont move an inch…]
How would I use this to get the correct results as obviously I’m doing something wrong here…
Yup, by default the rig has only HRP anchored, however if ANY parts are anchored the IK Dragger doesnt work as when i try to drag it shows an anchored icon and it doesn’t move at all
You won’t be able to do what you are trying to do as easily - that is, animating the rig, but you can experiment with ragdolls. You can make your own, using this neat little button in the Model tab:
Click the drop-down and select “BallSocketConstraint”, then click on any two parts so constraint can be created. Do it for each part in the rig with the constraint you find most adequate.
Otherwise, you can search for a R15 ragdoll on the models using the new constraints, and insert it.
For animations using IK, you would be better off exporting the rig to an external tool and doing the animation there, but I can’t help you on that since I know nothing about it. Good luck on your endeavors!