How would you copy someone's outfit fully?

So I’m aware: Players | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub
exists with all of its information but this only copies clothing to my knowledge.
I want to apply clothing and any extra parts the user is wearing, for example, a morph.

Is there an efficient way to do this?


If anyone is seeing this, and wondering. Oh no! No solution.
What I did was make an entire morph script, this morph script then pinged the server when I wanted someone to wear a morph, it would use their name and the morph name, it would find the morph in a store and force it onto the player.

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Oh, yeah I probably should have looked through the API a little more, whoops! I’ll check it out now.

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Well, I looked into it and it only clones and replicates accessories.

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if youre missing the human body (includes clothing, and rig scale), use HumanoidDescription

Yes, I understand the humanoid description, it does the following:
Which is perfect but it doesn’t replicate parts that the character has for example:


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Do you need to clone a player’s outfit who’s ingame?

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Yes including parts they have in their character. Not just accessories or clothing.

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Can’t your just clone the parts and parent them to the character then?

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Yeah I could but i was wondering if there’s a more efficient way.

There is this function which grabs everything, using a character apperance ID: CreateHumanoidModelFromDescription()

This didn’t work with the morph.