How would you create a rocket launcher with rockets that fling people?

Recently I’ve been trying to figure out how to make a rocket that flings people when the rockets hit them. I’ve done quite a lot of research using, Velocity, Force, Angular, all different types of things, but none have seemed to make the kind of output that I’m looking for. For example, if you play this game you’ll notice if you shoot rockets at other players it sends them flying. So I was wondering how I could replicate this, or if this was just some physics thing done by the developer by mistake. Whatever it is I think it would be a cool feature to add to entertain them as they play. If anybody can help me make this or explain how this works, it would be much appreciated.

Thank you for taking the time to read this! And thank you for all and any help you may give! :smile:

The game is a bit dead so you can message me if you want me to join and demonstrate. Or you can just shoot the rocket at yourself, it has the same effect.