How would you detect terrain?

so thru sum help i made a script that places parts around ur character in a circle but i want to place them on the terrain if that makes sense…?

how would you detect terrain for doing something like that; if that’s possible that is…? i appreciate any help ty!


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Shoot a raycast from around +10 studs above the blocks downwards, then put the blocks to where the raycast lands

[Raycasting | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub]


raycast can include terrain, create a raycast facing down from the part and make sure terrain is included in the raycast and set the parts position to the hit poisition + half of the size of the object.

not tested, but this should would

local part = script.Parent
local origin = spawnPosition +,10,0)
local rayDirection =,-100,0) -- 100 is just the range of the raycast
local raycastParams =

local raycast = workspace:RayCast(origin, direction, raycastParams)

if raycast then
   part.Position = raycast.Position +,part.Size.Y/2,0)

would he better do it on client or server side? because probably hackers would be exploiting onc client side but on the server side how could he do it?

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hey Matcha,
thanks a million for your help and for the links; i read over them all and got it. thank you so much!!

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hey builder,
thanks a million for your help mate. i got it straight away. tysm :slight_smile:

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this method isnt 100% efficient no?

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