Hello! I’m making an interaction system that includes doors, as shown below.
The problem is that I don’t know how to calculate which side the player is on to ensure I open the door in the opposite direction so that the door doesn’t always hit the player opening the door.
I was told I could use :Dot(), but until now I’ve never heard of it and when I looked it up it seemed very confusing.
I have however managed to do a VERY hacky approach to temporarily solve my problem, but I’d like to improve it and ensure that it’s a stable approach rather than what I have now.
Current code that calculates which side the player is on:
local relativeCFrame = character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart").CFrame * StaticDoorPart.CFrame.lookVector
if relativeCFrame.Z > -47 then
tweenModel(door, door.Parent:WaitForChild("BackOpenPosition").CFrame)
tweenModel(door, door.Parent:WaitForChild("FrontOpenPosition").CFrame)
I know this might be a very ineffective solution I’ve got but it’s all I could figure out.
I’ll say you can use RayCasting, but using it you must be sure the player is in front of the door. Else you can use a Region3, but this could make the things a bit more complicated
Use this simple code to detect which part is near then insert your code for the position you want the door open at.
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local character = player.Character
local door = workspace.Door
local back = workspace.Back
local front = workspace.Front
while wait() do
local back = (back.Position - script.Parent.Torso.Position).Magnitude
local front = (front.Position - script.Parent.Torso.Position).Magnitude
if back > front then
print("Front " .. math.floor(front))
print("Back " .. math.floor(back))
:Dot() is just a simple means of saying “How similarly do two Vector3’s face?”
If they are facing largely in the same direction, :Dot() returns a positive number.
If they are perpendicular, :Dot() returns 0.
If they are facing in opposite directions, :Dot() returns a negative number.
Consider the following segment:
local doorToChar = character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - StaticDoorPart.Position
--Get a vector that goes from the door to the character
local doorLookVect = StaticDoorPart.CFrame.lookVector
--Get the vector where the door itself faces
if doorToChar:Dot(doorLookVect) > 0 then
--Character is in front of the door
--Character is behind the door