How would you get rid of free model viruses?

That’s literally just what I said…

Well, I can’t really name all of them, but some carried a lot of viruses, and some carried little.

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I hope my games don’t have viruses…

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One way to achieve this without using any plugins is to run a simple code that removes all scripts from the model in the command bar

local Model = FreeModel — Replace with free model path
for i,v in pairs(Model:GetDescendants()) do
if v:IsA(“Script”) or v:IsA(“LocalScript”) or v:IsA(“ModuleScript”) then

Free models are fine to use, you just have to be careful when using them. Most common culprits for viruses are random Scripts and Fire objects. I highly advise that when you put a FM into your game, check it’s children in the explorer before going ahead with it. Don’t listen to people who say “Don’t use free models”. They’re there to help developers get a leg up, there’s nothing wrong with it.

Well, if some have fire scripts and stuff, they are NOT fine.

I didn’t say they were fine :man_facepalming:, I said be careful for them. All of you have to is remove the script and you can use it.

Download the RoDefender plugin on Roblox! Run it and press Scan! You will get rid of the viruses!

Hope this helped you

Have a nice day!


You can check if it has viruses with a plugin called RoDefender. Download it, run it and press Scan, it will tell you if you have or no, and remove them!

Hope this helped you!


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Hi, I am using RoDefender, and have been for a while now, but I just made a new experience, I have no plugins other than RoDefender, and it says that there are 24 viruses that it removed once I playtest. It’s happening on every one of my past games or projects, and same with every new game I make. I checked, and I’m using the original RoDefender, so I don’t know what happening.

Then it’s hacked, RoDefender is really old. So i guess theres more copied ones then the original.

The easiest way to go about doing this is to use the Find/Replace all tool built into studio. You can locate it under View > Find/Replace all. There, you can type some keywords, like require, loadstring, getfenv, string.reverse, etc.

Ro-Defender don’t detect all viruses.

It don’t detect all viruses as I said ↑↑↑