How would you go about creating almost like a left to right gallery animation of frames?

Hey Developers,

I’m trying to create a page animation as seen below for my own UI. How would I go about doing something like this proficiently so it’s not too hard to add more pages?

give the icons some color, separate them into categories, and give the players of your game some time to get used to the icons.

This is just so the pages are not hard to read first of all

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Oh I think you misunderstood, I’m trying to create the animation that causes the pages to go back in forth in and out of the frame. Like a tween, I was just wondering how they do it so well.

Use Enum.EasingStyle.Bounce for the tween (For that nice bouncy effect)

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Do you just store the frames off to the side and turn on clip descendants or?

I think you are looking for a UIPageLayout, which would easily be used to create this effect.


Thanks! This seems to be exactly what I was looking for.

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You can use a UIPageLayout or you can make it custom with the ClipDescendants property.


Yes, I ended up just using a UIPageLayout and clipping descendants so you couldn’t see the pages. :slightly_smiling_face: