How would you go about making a working Air Dancer/Inflatable tube man?


Animate the tube man. Donā€™t script it. It is easier. Also, make sure it is a mesh so you can bend it easily.

Someone DMed me one that someone else made Iā€™m going to just edit their model and animation. Thanks though!

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No problem dude! Thanks for making this discussion!

Animating this is an option, but why not use some spicey physics? You can use some constraints to make this happen easily, or use some kinematics if you want to make it more stable.

This didnā€™t take any scripting, all I did was throw a body force into the head of my tube man, with the body connected with some BallSocketConstraints.

Place is here:

Although youā€™re not in need of anything more currently, I thought itā€™d be a neat little physics challenge to make something like what you requested. This is what I ended up with:

Image from Gyazo
Download if someone wants to try it: Floaties.rbxl (57.0 KB)


Wow, that looks good! Any way I could turn down the amount the upper half goes down, I donā€™t want it to go past half way to the floor? Iā€™m not very good with roblox physics.

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The BallSocketAttachment between the two parts at the bottom has a property called ā€œLimitsEnabledā€. You can activate this and set the limit to 45 degrees (or any other angle of choice) to restrict it from falling down onto the ground.


You might want to do this locally, and just make it cancollide false b/c constraints and ownership are wack and ugly, an if you want it to be HQ like in studio thatā€™s what you gotta do. That means it canā€™t be depended upon to be the same for all users though, hence canCollide false and just aesthetic. But really, IRL if you ā€˜collideā€™ with the tube you ainā€™t colliding youā€™re taking it with so actually makes more sense imo!