I lost an animation I made on moon animator but its still uploaded on roblox.
I want to edit it but to do that I have to get it imported into moon animator first. I don’t know if you can do that and I would kind of expect it to have the option.
KeyframeSequenceProvider, a great service that goes under the radar a fair bit. You’ll specifically need to use GetKeyframeSequenceAsync to retrieve the KeyframeSequence associated with the asset id.
local KeyframeSequenceProvider = game:GetService("KeyframeSequenceProvider")
local LOST_ANIM_ID = 0
local success, keyframeSeq = pcall(function ()
local assetId = "rbxassetid://" .. LOST_ANIM_ID
return KeyframeSequenceProvider:GetKeyframeSequenceAsync(assetId)
if success and keyframeSeq then
keyframeSeq.Parent = workspace
The thing worth asking is if you explicitly need the KeyframeSequence that is uploadable to Roblox or if you need the animation data, since MAS does not create a KeyframeSequence until you explicitly export Moon animation data. If you just need the uploadable KeyframeSequence, this post should resolve your problem. If you need the Moon animation data format, that’s irretrievable if you lost it.