a lot of people use torque / angularvelocity for turning the boat. so i used angularvelocity this time.
the boat wont rotate; i’m not quite sure on how to rotate it. ive seen multiple forum posts and have tried many attempts but yea i have no clue… ty guys
local function driveBoat(_, _)
local BAMDivTen = base.AssemblyMass / 10
local BAM = base.AssemblyMass
local MAX_SPEED = vehicleSeat.MaxSpeed --35
local thrust = vehicleSeat.ThrottleFloat * 5000
boatThrust.Force = vehicleSeat.CFrame.LookVector * vehicleSeat.ThrottleFloat * MAX_SPEED * BAMDivTen
AV.AngularVelocity = Vector3.new(0, -(vehicleSeat.SteerFloat * MAX_SPEED), 0) --angular velocity
alignOrientation.Responsiveness = math.huge
alignOrientation.MaxTorque = math.huge
AV.MaxTorque = 50000