How would you make a car?

You left the car naked

Yes I know, that’s the model of the car I made, it works perfectly for me

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It isn’t impossible to build a car exclusively in roblox studio, but it ain’t easy either. Bledner has a steep learning curve and for those who don’t know how to use it, they’d be better off modeling it roblox studio. I would be quicker to do that then learn blender.

But that’s just my 2 cents.

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Is this to model a car or to make a car.
I want a drivable car not a model

Any who . . . Um I re-made my car (PS for some reason yours was not working. Probably just me)
and now this happens:

Anyone know why?

For my car did you seat on the right seat? There’s CommandSeat and PassengerSeat, if you seat in PassengerSeat the car is not gonna work, CommandSeat is the one on the right as seen from behind

Yeah I know But any who you know why that is happening?

Maybe there’s a problem with the welds, could you show us the images of the for welds?

Like a picture of the workspace?

A picture where you show the attachments (sorry I said weld, I meant attachments) of the wheels up close, and also if you want the hierarchy in the Workpsace
If you don’t know how, go in view and activate show constraints (if I’m not wrong)

Okay, I see taht the back wheels have the main attachment, the part that is welded to the car needs the main attachment, I just have to wait for the front wheels to load
Edit: the same goes for the front wheels, your car wasn’t working because the main attachments are on the wrong side, the main attachments Harv to be on the 4 PartA and the 2 PartB, you can tell which one is the main attachment because it’s the one with the ring outside of it

The other image is the front one. the closes to the chair.
That one is the main/front

I see that now!

You’re welcome! After all we all know that in creating games when there’s a problem it’s just the littlest thi nn that makes that problem (ex. a typo) so it’s just normal that that happened, if you ever need my help I’m here to help

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Like this?

cause this did not work either

I’ve tried changing other things but I cant figure out what it is

PartA is right but PartB and the wheel are still in the wrong side, if that doesn’t work then I think it’s a problem in your end

Can you make like a picture or something to explain it better?

Ok, currently I cant use my computer but when I can I will surely send you a picture

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