I’m trying to make a custom inventory, but I don’t know where to start. I have looked at other posts and they have not helped me so far?
Example of what it would look like:
Custom GUis can be tedious, you need to detect inputs and make-around with the CoreGui functionality, gui placements especially with positions. But it wouldn’t too be hard if you know how GUIs work.
Theres 2 steps:
1 Make the gui
2 Make the gui functional (the HARD part)
To make the gui you should use GridLayout and add 9 frames (if u want the inventory slot from the image)
Now to make it functional we would have to make a script with loop checking if something has been added onto the backpack and if something was added we would add a text button to the slot.
Obviously its more complex but you should start from there
Sorry for grammar issues im on my phone
Simple, make a frame the size of the toolbar, add a UiListLayout for the amount of items you want to have.
Then in a script, everytime your backpack obtains a new item, make it a slot inside one of the frame inside the UiListLayout. (You can use ViewPortFrames to make images easier to appear).
Then in a script, assign every number (1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-0) and every tool in your backpack to frames on your toolbar. Then when the player presses a key that is linked to a tool, simply use Humanoid:EquipTool(tool).
Tbh the hard part is to make the GUI look pleasing and make empty slots work. if slots are empty and the player tries to select them, simply use Humanoid:UnequipAll()
You can link tools to frames by adding an ObjectValue inside the frame and put the value to the tool
May I ask a question? So in my game players have 4 weapons (everyone does). I want to use these as the gui and whatnot. So you’re saying use numbers and when that number is inputted it’ll equip right? Well is there a way to make it mobile compatible?
Yes, simply add an empty textbutton over every frame for every weapon and link it just like the numbers pressed with button.MouseButton1Down
To add to what has been said before, to make things draggable, this is a vary useful tool: Simple Module For Creating Draggable GUI Elements
I used it to make a full custom gui where you drag things to move them around. With a combination of for loops and vec2 magnitude funcitons, you can make it snap to a udim2 point