I hear the big craze around creating vehicle chassis is using constraint objects? How, I haven’t a clue. Something to do with motors and whatever. Point is, the first thing you’re going to want to have somewhere is a force to make the car move in the first place.
BodyVelocity objects are BodyForces, that’s what I meant to say.
Either way, the creation of custom chassis does require scripting - I’m sure that’s obvious. How are you looking to construct your chassis, to begin with? Are you looking at constraints or something else?
That’s your hierarchy, but that doesn’t really answer my question. It tells me the setup of your chassis, but not how you want to accomplish the creation of a custom chassis.
What is unclear about my post? How do you want to create your chassis? With constraints, or with motors, or what? I thought I was explicit about what I was trying to ask.
I would suggest that you take a look at some already-created chassis to get an idea of what’s involved in the creation of one first. As I mentioned earlier, constraints would be really nice for the creation of chassis and seem to be a personal favourite as of late.
I checked it out and it’s pretty cool, however WingItMan’s chassis showed me what I need to know, since I was looking for how to make a constraint based chassis, so it’s up to you. If you do release it, it may be better off in it’s own dedicated thread.
By the way, I like how you did the speedometer. Very nice looking.
This is something you should message the poster for over bumping a nearly year-old topic. They don’t have membership on the forum but they can respond to messages.
There was a debacle on this thread some time ago that the presented work did not belong to the user. Most of the content has been purged but in essence, it was an illegitimate release of Jailbreak’s chassis.
You’re better off looking into doing this yourself through use of resources and appropriate creation of threads.