How would you make a custom vehicle chassis?

I’m working on a small project, and I would like to make my own vehicle chassis so I can extend it however I want/need. I’ve tried before using BodyForces however they didn’t work properly, didn’t allow me to turn and didn’t look, at all, real.

How would I create a realistic vehicle chassis?


Have you tried using BodyVelocity?

Well, it worked better but I somehow turned it into a space ship.


Lol, you might wanna set the MaxForce.Y of the BodyVelocity to 0 so that it doesn’t affect it on the Y axis. That way your car won’t fly in the air.

Yeah that stopped the flying, but it still doesn’t work properly. The entire chassis just goes in the direction, without turning at all. (I have the velocities in the wheels, so the velocity is attached to them)

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Yea velocity only affects the velocity, not the orientation. Thats where BodyGyro comes in. You can use it to turn the vehicle in the direction you want.

Also I would recommend just putting both the BodyVelocity and the BodyGyro into the main part of the chassis, rather than the wheels. There’s no reason to have one in each wheel.

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Alright, I’ll do that. I rarely ever use any BodyMovers, so they’re not my best “topic.”


:smile: yes they did

I hear the big craze around creating vehicle chassis is using constraint objects? How, I haven’t a clue. Something to do with motors and whatever. Point is, the first thing you’re going to want to have somewhere is a force to make the car move in the first place.

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They didn’t, probably how I was using them.

Yeah, I have a forward force, I just can’t figure out how to make it look realistic and how to turn.


BodyVelocity objects are BodyForces, that’s what I meant to say.

Either way, the creation of custom chassis does require scripting - I’m sure that’s obvious. How are you looking to construct your chassis, to begin with? Are you looking at constraints or something else?


My chassis’ hierarchy is

 Chassis (BasePart and main part for chassis)
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I would prefer to call them BodyMovers since BodyForce is actually an object on its own. Plus that’s what the parent class of all of them is named


That’s your hierarchy, but that doesn’t really answer my question. It tells me the setup of your chassis, but not how you want to accomplish the creation of a custom chassis.

@Spynaz Oops, confused the terminology.


I don’t understand what you mean, then.

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What is unclear about my post? How do you want to create your chassis? With constraints, or with motors, or what? I thought I was explicit about what I was trying to ask.

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I’m just using BodyMovers (BodyVelocity, BodyGyro), because I’ve never made a vehicle chassis before. I don’t know the best way to do it.

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I would suggest that you take a look at some already-created chassis to get an idea of what’s involved in the creation of one first. As I mentioned earlier, constraints would be really nice for the creation of chassis and seem to be a personal favourite as of late.

This is a model I scraped off the catalogue that may help you towards creating one:

I’m personally not versed in vehicle creation so excuse me if my reply is unsatisfactory.


I guess I’ll try using constraints and seeing where that goes. Thanks.

You can play with this what I made. It uses constraints.

Is a little old but is good for learning.

The idea of my chassis’ is that you can extend and add limbs to them.

I’m a new member, so I can’t access that thread.