How would you make a "ghost" vision like this?

I wanted to know how you would make a similar vision like this?

My first thought was using color corrections and stuff but it also looks like it can be done with UI frames too?

Could anyone help me with this?

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So you need to ghost see everythink in white and black?
To achieve this you need: create ColorCorrection effect and put it in Lighting then set it’s Saturation to -1

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Also set it’s TintColor to a slightly blue or purple, like 185, 188, 255 or 164, 169, 255

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Also you can increase brightness, but its on your own taste

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This is literally so accurate. Thank you so much for your help :smiley:



PointLight in Character HumanoidRootPart (for brightness)

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You can make gui that slightly makes the corners of screen brighter, to do it you need to Create Frame Size of,0,1,0) and UIGradient inside it having these Transparency NumberSequence properties: Time 0: Value = 0.913; Time 0.081: Value = 0.962; Time 0.229: Value = 1; Time 1: Value = 1
Then you can copy that frame 3 times and make 1 of them UIGradient rotation to 180, another to 90, and final to -90, the first frame’s uigradient rotation 0

Theres the final result file:
effect.rbxm (3.7 KB)

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No problem, im glad that it was the solution for you. Good luck for making your ghost system!

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Also i forgot to mention that you need to enable IgnoreGuiInset on gui

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